Life Cycles

Welcoming you through life's sacred moments.

parents blessing a child on the bimah

Life is a journey.

At Beth Emeth, we believe life is a beautiful journey, filled with milestones and moments big and small. We're here for you every step of the way, to celebrate with joy, find comfort in tradition, and connect with a warm and welcoming community.

Growing Your Family

  • Baby Namings: Welcome your precious child into the world and the Jewish faith! Our clergy will create a beautiful ceremony tailored to your family, whether at our synagogue or a special location you choose.

  • B'rit Milah: This joyous ceremony marks the covenant of circumcision. We partner with trusted mohels to help you plan this special occasion, held in our chapel, sanctuary, or another location of your choosing.

Coming of Age

  • B'nai Mitzvah: Becoming a B’nai Mitzvah is a time of celebration! Our engaging program makes learning fun and meaningful, preparing your child for this special moment and fostering a lifelong love of Judaism.

  • Confirmation: Students in Grade 10 explore Jewish beliefs and practices with our Rabbi through discussions and creative projects. This program helps them develop their own unique connection to Judaism and God.

Finding Love and Partnership

  • Sharing Your Joy: Let the Beth Emeth community celebrate your upcoming wedding! During a Friday evening service, you'll be invited for special blessings as you embark on this exciting chapter.

  • Weddings for All: We celebrate love in all its forms! Our clergy are delighted to officiate weddings at the synagogue or other locations, creating a personalized ceremony that reflects your love story and Jewish traditions.

Exploring Judaism

  • Considering Conversion? We're here to guide you on your journey of discovery! Our clergy will answer your questions and support you as you learn more about Judaism through individual meetings and participation in Jewish life.

Moments of Loss

Beth Emeth offers comfort and compassion during difficult times. Our Jewish traditions provide rituals and support as you grieve, from the Kriah (tearing of a garment) to the Shivah (seven days of mourning) to whatever Jewish ritual might speak to you. Our clergy can officiate funeral services and offer guidance throughout this challenging time.

Beth Emeth: Your Jewish Home

No matter your background or where you are in life, Beth Emeth welcomes you with open arms. Together, we'll celebrate life's joys, find strength in shared traditions, and build a supportive community that feels like family.

We invite you to visit our website or call Kathy Golderman at 518.436.9761 x225 to learn more about how Beth Emeth can be a part of your life's journey.

Congregation Beth Emeth is a Reform Jewish community in Albany, NY where you can find your place, find your people, and find fulfillment in Jewish life.
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