High Holy Days

Join us for our amazing High Holy Days experience!

mosaic effect photo of man blowing shofar

As Reform Judaism encourages growth and change, so too do our High Holy Day traditions. We're excited to share new experiences while honoring our heritage!

Here's what you need to know...

How do I register?

  • Beth Emeth Members: Please visit the Member Portal to register.

  • Non-members: We'd love to have you! Please register by contacting Kathy Golderman (Kathy@CBEAlbany.org or 518.436.9761 x225).

  • Members of Other URJ Synagogues: If you are unable to attend services at Congregation Beth Emeth and would like to secure reciprocal tickets to a fellow URJ congregation, or if you are a member of a URJ congregation and would like to attend services at Beth Emeth, please fill out this form to request tickets.

  • Registration Deadlines: September 27 for Children's Programming, and September 30 for everything else.

  • Registration is required for all attendees.

What's new this year?

  • Bus Transportation: Courtesy transportation is available for non-drivers and members. Contact Lita at x224 or Lita@CBEAlbany.org.

  • Early Kol Nidre Service: New service at 5:00 pm for families.

  • More Family Services: Bringing the kids has never been easier!

Schedule of Services

S'lichot: Saturday, September 28

  • 6:30 pm - Havdalah

  • 8:30 pm - Oneg

Erev Rosh Hashanah: Wednesday, October 2

  • 7:30 pm* - Rosh Hashanah Service

Rosh Hashanah: Thursday, October 3

  • 9:00 am - Family Service

  • 10:30 am - Rosh Hashanah Service with Dessert Reception,

  • 4:30 pm - Tashlich at Buckingham Pond

Shabbat Shuvah: Friday, October 4

  • 5:30 pm - Shabbat Shuvah Service

Cemetery Service: Sunday, October 6

  • 11:00 am

Kol Nidre: Friday, October 11

  • 5:00 pm* - Early Kol Nidre and Shabbat Service

  • 7:30 pm* - Late Kol Nidre and Shabbat Service

Yom Kippur: Saturday, October 12

  • 9:00 am - Family Service

  • 10:30 am* - Yom Kippur Service

  • 1:00 pm - Moments with The Ark

  • 2:00 pm - Service of Renewal

  • 3:00 pm - Afternoon Service

  • 4:00 pm* - Yizkor Memorial Service

  • 5:00 pm - Ne’ilah and Havdalah with Break the Fast Nosh

Sukkot: Tuesday, October 15

  • 11:00 am - Brotherhood to Build Sukkah

Sukkot Shabbat: Friday, October 18

  • 5:30 pm - Erev Shabbat and Sukkot Services

  • 6:30 pm - Sushi in the Sukkah; dinner registration required, link coming soon!

Get Involved!

  • Volunteer in a Classroom: Help our program by leading a classroom. Materials provided.

  • Bake for Rosh Hashanah: Share your sweet treats at the dessert reception (sign up as a part of High Holy Day registration in the Member Portal).

Live Streaming Available

Can't make it in person? Join us online.


Beth Emeth is committed to inclusivity. We offer:

  • Live Streaming

  • Accessible Parking

  • Wheelchair Accessibility

  • Aisle Seats (call ahead)

  • Magnifying Glasses

  • Enhanced Hearing Devices

Additional Information

  • Doors open 45 minutes before services.

  • Bring a sweater (Sanctuary can be chilly).

  • Be fragrance-aware.

  • Albany Police Officer on duty.


  • Avoid parking on grass.

  • Overflow parking available on Academy Road and Albany Academies


  • Registration or general inquiries: Andrea (x236)

  • Unaffiliated guests: Kathy Golderman (x225)

  • Bus transportation: Lita (x224)

We look forward to celebrating the High Holy Days with you!

Congregation Beth Emeth is a Reform Jewish community in Albany, NY where you can find your place, find your people, and find fulfillment in Jewish life.
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