Helping teens develop a unique connection to Judaism and God.

Our Grade 10 students enroll in our Confirmation Program where they learn with our clergy to help deepen their relationship to Judaism and God. With knowing how busy our teens’ schedules are, we offer two unique opportunities or “tracks” toward being confirmed. There is more information below about the tracks. In addition, we offer a Confirmation Orientation to explain more about the options where we will also share more about the curriculum. You will also have an opportunity to ask any questions you might have.
Flexible Tracks Toward Confirmation
We offer two unique opportunities or "tracks" toward being confirmed. We want to highlight these tracks so you can figure out what plan will work best for your teen. The curriculum covered in both tracks is the same, the only thing that varies is the timing and schedule of the sessions.
Madrichim/Classroom Assistants (weekly: Sundays or Wednesdays)
Assist weekly in a classroom and have 6 study sessions with the clergy (this happens during one of your regular madrichim school days).
Earn a stipend or community service hours too!
Flex: Confirmation by Design (6 study sessions per year)
Taught by our clergy. Decide together with the rabbi and your peers when you’ll all be able to meet for the 6 study sessions (1.5 hours/session).
The Confirmation Program culminates with the students putting together a creative Shabbat Service which echoes their reflections of what they have learned during their Religious School years but most significantly the material studied during their Confirmation year.
Want to learn more?
For more information, contact Lita Carbone at or call 518.436.9761 x224.