Adult Choir

Calling all people who love to sing!

choir singing on the bimah

Add your voice!

Cantor Short invites any and all who like to sing to join our congregational choir. Loving to sing and wanting to contribute to the beauty of our services are the only requirements. We participate in singing the closing song on Erev Rosh Hashanah and provide all of the music for the Service of Renewal on Yom Kippur afternoon. The choir also sings at our Chanukah Shabbat Service.

I don't read music or know Hebrew - is that ok?

It is definitely ok! There is no prerequisite for reading music or Hebrew.

We're committed to keeping each other safe and healthy.

We practice in the chapel and choir members understand the importance of staying home if they feel ill.

How do I join?

Cantor Short is happy to hear from you to share more information and updates, to answer any questions you might have, and to discuss any concerns.

Contact Cantor Short to join today!

Congregation Beth Emeth is a Reform Jewish community in Albany, NY where you can find your place, find your people, and find fulfillment in Jewish life.
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