Our Cemetery

A beautiful and sacred resting place for our loved ones.

A place of dignity and care.

At Congregation Beth Emeth, we believe that the loved ones we’ve lost should be laid to rest with dignity and care. That mourners should have a sacred place to grieve. We take great pride in the beauty and sanctity of our cemetery.

Our cemetery is located in Loudonville, about 15 minutes from Congregation Beth Emeth in Albany.

58 Turner Lane
Albany, NY 12211
Google Maps →

We’re here to help you.

We know that navigating the loss of a loved one or planning for end of life are personal and emotional experiences. The clergy and staff at Beth Emeth are here to work with you and care for you. We’re available to answer questions, meet on the phone or in person, or tour the cemetery grounds. Please contact the temple office (Info@CBEAlbany.org or 518.436.9761) whenever you need us.

Cemetery FAQ’s

Who can be buried there?

Any person of Jewish faith may be buried in our cemetery as well as any member of their family, regardless of religious affiliation.

While we are inclusive of non-Jewish family members, we only permit Jewish symbols on caskets or gravestones and require that the interment service not be of any other faith ritual.

How much does a plot cost?

Member: $2500
Non-Member: $5000

It is currently our policy to only sell plots on an individual basis that are paid in full at the time of purchase. 

For information regarding the purchase of 10 or more plots, or if you have questions about managing a family plot that was purchased in the past, please contact the temple office.

Are there other associated costs?

There are additional costs associated with the funeral, burial, shrubbery planting, and cleaning. For a full pricing breakdown, please download this cemetery info brochure.

How does maintenance work?

You are able to have headstones cleaned or new shrubbery planted by cemetery personnel or approved vendors for an added fee. Please contact the temple office to set up a stone cleaning or shrubbery planting.

A few things to note:

  • Cemetery personnel will not clean any black or very dark colored stone.

  • We reserve the right to decline cleaning of any highly polished stone.

  • Alberta Spruce or Boxwood are the only shrubs permitted.

You can download the cemetery info brochure for pricing details.

What if I can’t afford a plot or burial?

We feel that every Jew who needs a proper burial is accorded that dignity. Please contact the temple office so we can learn more about how we can help you.

I still have a few questions…

We’re here for you! You can always feel free to contact the temple office for support or answers to any additional questions you have.

Congregation Beth Emeth is a Reform Jewish community in Albany, NY where you can find your place, find your people, and find fulfillment in Jewish life.
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