Supporting Israel

How you can support Israel during these challenging times.

We are stronger together.

We are living in a time of unbelievable stress and challenges. On October 7, 2023, as we were celebrating the holiday of Simchat Torah and the beginning of our youngest students' religious education, Hamas brutally attacked 1,139 innocent Israelis.

As Jews in America, we watch in horror. The atrocities of our ancestors are still ever present today. How we cope, how we speak to our children and how we answer our innocent questioning neighbor are all being tested.

We are stronger together. We are continually gathering resources to help navigate this challenging time. Our Beth Emeth community is a place where we hope you come to find kinship, love, and support. Our doors are open (actually, they are locked and we appreciate your understanding of increased security.) Please, come to a Friday night service, or join one of our educational, community, or social action events. Life is easier to navigate when you surround yourself with people who understand what you are going through.

Our clergy are here for you.

Rabbi Greg D. Weitzman |
Cantor Emily H. Short |

Run for Their Lives

“Run for Their Lives” is a global movement to continue to raise awareness and attention calling for the immediate release of the hostages held by Hamas. The local Albany group will meet 1x/week for a walk run of at least 1km. We wear unified shirts for the hostages. Collectively it is a group that is peaceful (we will not be protesting) and is united by our love for one another. This organization is inclusive- we encourage individuals of all religions and ethnicities to join if interested.

Amidah Albany

The goals of Amidah Albany are to stand up for the Jewish community of the Capital Region and beyond, to stand up for Israel, and to fight antisemitism in all its forms. Amidah Albany supports Israel's right to exist and defend itself, initiatives to bring the hostages back home safely, initiatives to disarm Hamas, and to turn over their operatives.

Resources from URJ and Jewish Federation of NENY

Talking to Kids

Teens and College Student Support

Where to Donate?

What Can I Do Right Now?

Write a letter

Tell Secretary Blinken: Support Continued U.S. Leadership Toward Successful Release of the Hostages

Send a Message

Strengthen Israeli security forces' morale with your prayers and support, by emailing a letter that will be delivered through Connections Israel

Pick Up A Blue Ribbon for Israel

Stop by the temple office and pick up a blue ribbon from Jewish Federation to show global unity in solidarity with hostages and their families.

Congregation Beth Emeth is a Reform Jewish community in Albany, NY where you can find your place, find your people, and find fulfillment in Jewish life.
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