Aug 14, 2024

The Question of "How" and Our Call to Social Action

The Book of Eichah (Lamentations) opens with a powerful and poignant question: "How?" This single word encapsulates the sorrow and confusion of a people witnessing the destruction of Jerusalem. It asks, "How did we get here?" and "How do we move forward?" This theme of questioning, of seeking understanding amidst chaos and despair, resonates deeply within our community's mission to engage in social action and justice.

At Beth Emeth, we believe that these ancient texts are not just historical artifacts but living documents that speak to our current realities. The question of "how" drives us to examine our own responsibilities and actions in the face of injustice and need. It compels us to ask: "How can we make a difference?" and "How can we serve those in our community who are suffering?"

One of the ways we address these questions is through our soup kitchen. This initiative is more than just a charitable act; it is a manifestation of our commitment to building a just and compassionate community. By providing meals to those who are hungry, we live out the values of tzedakah (charity) and chesed (kindness) that are central to our people.

However, our efforts are only as strong as the people who support them. To sustain and grow our soup kitchen, we need dedicated volunteers who are willing to show up and serve. This is where you come in. We are currently seeking a new volunteer leader to provide support to this critical program. This role is vital in ensuring that our efforts are organized, effective, and impactful. Your involvement can make a significant difference in the lives of those we serve.

As the Director of Program Operations at Beth Emeth, I am here to help you find your place within our community’s efforts. Whether you are interested in volunteering at the soup kitchen, participating in other social justice initiatives, or getting involved in our myriad programs, I am your go-to person.

Together, we can explore how your unique skills and passions can contribute to our shared mission.

To get involved, please reach out to me directly. Your participation is not only an act of service but a step towards answering the profound question of "how" we can build a better, more compassionate world. Let us come together as a community, rooted in the teachings of our tradition, to support those in need and create meaningful change.

By addressing the question of "how" with action and dedication, we honor the legacy of Eichah and uphold the values that define us. Join us in this mission, and let's make a difference together.

Andrea McNellis
Director of Program Operations

This article first appeared in the July/Aug '24 edition of The Bulletin.

Congregation Beth Emeth is a Reform Jewish community in Albany, NY where you can find your place, find your people, and find fulfillment in Jewish life.
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