Rabbi Shara: Jewish Summer Camp Makes an Impact

This article first appeared in our Jan/Feb '25 edition of The Bulletin
The cold and snowy days of Winter are here. Days feel extra short, with the sun setting before 4:30. Although summer is months away, I can not help but think about those long warmer days ahead and right now is the perfect time for families to start planning for the summer, exploring Jewish summer camp options.
As concerns mount about Antisemitism on the rise worldwide and the news around the world filled with negativity, how can we best instill strong Jewish connection, pride, and leadership development in our children? Study after study confirms that Jewish summer camp remains one of the most effective tools for changing lives – providing opportunities for individual growth, building community, and strengthening connections to Judaism, the Jewish people, and Israel. Simply stated, Jewish camp works!
And we are so fortunate to have several spectacular, thriving, URJ Jewish summer camps not too far away:
Crane Lake Camp, located in West Stockbridge, Massachusetts is an all around camping experience with sports, arts, a lake, and wonderful bonding as bunks follow a daily schedule of amazing summer time activities. cranelakecamp.org
Eisner Camp, located in Great Barrington, Massachusetts is a beautiful sprawling campus with an array of activities to choose from based on interest. eisnercamp.org
And, there are the exceptional URJ special interest summer academies:
6 Points Creative Arts Academy is located in West Chester, Pennsylvania and has creative programming for kids interested in arts and performance 6pointscreativearts.org
6 Points Sci-Tech Academy in Byfield Massachusetts is a STEM lover’s paradise 6pointsscitech.org
6 Points Sports Academy in Asheville, North Carolina is for the sports fanatics 6pointssports.org
For our family, Jewish summer camp was a transformative experience helping each of my children grow as a person and as a Jewish leader. I’m happy to provide more Jewish summer experience recommendations and to be a resource to answer questions.
Wishing you all happy thoughts of Summer and warm wishes!