Day 472: Welcome Home Romi, Emily, and Doron

Dear Congregation Beth Emeth,
I reach out today in the midst of historic moments for the Jewish people, for Israel, and for the United States. Yesterday, we all watched while the hostages Romi Gonen, Emily Damari, and Doron Steinbrecher returned to Israel from the hands of Hamas after 471 days of captivity.
We wonder about the remaining hostages: When will we see them again? How will they look? Will they recover?
Our cautious hope grows in the reflection of Romi, Emily, and Doron and the reflection of their smiles and their tears. We repeat their names over and over like a mantra bringing us closer to the day when all of the hostages will return home.
In the backdrop of this news we watch the Inauguration of a president and we look back towards our past week of learning and worship in honor of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. History shrinks in the presence of Romi, Emily, and Doron. After all, Rabbi Hillel teaches us that if you save one soul, you save a universe.
Let us pray for all the other hostages to come home soon and let the words of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. wash over us saying:
“True peace is not merely the absence of tension; it is the presence of justice.”
And let us continue to pray and work towards justice, peace and love.
Am Yisrael Chai,
Rabbi Greg D. Weitzman