A Message from Rabbi Weitzman
Dear Congregation Beth Emeth,
As the sun rose this morning, many turned on the news to see the results of our election. Every four years in this great country we have an opportunity to elect new leadership.Though some may not be happy with the results, there are those who are elated. My ask of you, is that regardless of where you stand, you find yourself standing beside each other.
Just a few weeks ago, I spoke to you all on Kol Nidre about the problem with polarization in our world today. I encouraged you and implored you to reach out to those you disagree with, to listen and find a common path forward. I remain resolute in that conviction and believe that we as a congregation must remain committed to our shared destiny and connections as a people.
Congregation Beth Emeth will remain as a beacon of light and hope within the city of Albany and throughout New York State. Our founding Rabbi, Dr. Isaac Mayer Wise believed that America was the land of opportunity for Jews to unite. We shall continue to be a house for all people and remain committed to the Jewish values that guide our principles. I still believe in that promise, and I hope and pray that you do too.
This week, as the dust clears, I want to invite you to join us on Friday at 5:30 pm as we honor the Veterans within our community and beyond. Those who gave their lives and committed to a life of service for this great nation. My door is always open and no matter what you are feeling, know that you are seen, heard, and cared for.
Greg D. Weitzman
Senior Rabbi