Grade 6 at the Soup Kitchen
As the B’nai Mitzvah year approaches and we start exploring opportunities to give back to our community through mitzvot and the idea of mitzvah projects, we are looking forward to our Grade 6 Sunday at the Soup Kitchen on February 2. This is a special learning and enriching experience for Grade 6 students, parents and family!
Our learning for the day will be held at the:
Sister Maureen Joyce Center Soup Kitchen
369 Livingston Ave.
Albany, NY 12206
There will be no learning for the 6th graders on site at CBE that morning, our session will begin at 10:00am at the Soup Kitchen.
The soup kitchen will be opening up early for us at 10:00 am and the program will end roughly around 1:30 pm.
Please sign-up if you are able to come so we have an idea of attendance for this morning, thank you!
Some things to expect:
- Our regular crew and crew chiefs will be there from 11:00 am - 2:00 pm in addition to this class and parents.
- Off-street parking
- Patrons of the Soup Kitchen will be handed food at the front door, we do not serve or provide entry into the Soup Kitchen.